Game Designer at Microsoft. Released in October 2014.
Project Spark is a sandbox game where players can create their own games on Xbox One, PC and Xbox SmartGlass.
Players make their own games using a build-editor and script actions using Kode, an easy-to-learn visual scripting language. Creations can then be uploaded and shared for anyone to play. The game is free and players can purchase separate DLC packs which include new levels, new props, new logic and other advanced gameplay features.
My contributions on this project:
My Work:
Final Level:
Level Whitebox WIP:
Scores, Awards and Features:
85 – Post Arcade (National Post)
8 / 10 – IGN
8 / 10 – Eurogamer Germany
4 / 5 – Hardcore Gamer
7.5 / 10 – Game Informer
IGN Best of E3 2014 nominee
XET.BE E3 2014 Best Game
IGN Gamescom 2013 People’s Choice nominee
Gameswelt Gamescom 2013 Best Family and Best Social Game nominee
XBG Games Gamescom 2013 Xbox 360 / Xbox One Editor’s Choice award